I talked to Dr. Rodriquez. He is concerned about Tyler’s jaw he said that he is still hoping to do the surgery March 25, 2011. [The surgery date has been changed to 3/28 at 7:30 am. -JB]
He said that if Tyler gets to hurting or cannot eat he will have to do it earlier. He doesn’t want Tyler on a feeding tube, so the titanium jaw has to come out. He is setting up the surgery now so we will know when we have to be there. He talked about using bone in the jaw and removing the flap. He also said something about pulling the jaw to the other side.
I don’t understand what that was about. All I know is that my boy still has so much to go through. Dr. Rodriguez said he would just bring us to Maryland and do all this in one trip instead of making a trip to see him and another for surgery. Gosh March is just three months away. Please pray that Tyler will be OK and pray for me and Ashley this is so hard to watch TyTy go through this.
Dr. Rodriguez is awesome he cares about Tyler he donates his services but there are many other charges that we still owe. Medicaid pays some on the hospital but won’t pay the higher South Carolina prices, which leaves a balance for us. Last surgery we owed $2,000 after surgery. Thanks to some caring people that love Tyler, that has been taken care of. Two thousand wasn’t much considering what the surgery cost. The Howling Wolf Bar and Grille held a benefit for Tyler last Saturday (Thank You!) and raised some money to put in Tyler’s surgery account. It will help so much, but there will still probably be a balance to pay after the surgery.
Please sign TyTy’s guest book. It means a lot. Thank you all that are seeing that Tyler and his brothers have Christmas. We are blessed to have you in our lives.
I told Dr. Rodriguez that I truly loved him for all he does for Tyler, and he said, “I love you to sweetheart.” Now, how awesome is that?
Tyler is not in school today. He is hurting in his jaw and having trouble eating, He is eating…thank God for that. Pray that Tyler won’t have to live on a feeding tube. His legs are giving him a fit hurting because of the cold weather and the fibula being taken from both his legs.
I have my faith and know that god will be with us as we take Tyler for surgery number 45. How much more can this little boy take?
FROGgin’ (F.R.O.G. - Fully Rely On God)
Tyler Tucker c/o Darlene Cox
PO BOX 14386
Greenville, SC 29610