Feb 21, 2005 23:47
An pretty good weekend to be sure, but it was no last weekend. I shouldn't set my expectations to high or I will get disappointed every time.
Gordo was back in town, as EVERYONE knows by now. We saw Ong-Bak on Friday night and boy oh boy, what a load of fun. This movie is seriously like a Tai Martial Arts video game. Its seriously all broken up into levels already with bosses and mini-bosses and instant replays from multiple angles. Oh, and fire blazing in the eyes. To make things even richer, we all dressed up in jackets and ties to go to the Mission Valley AMC. We cut through SPORTS CHALET to get to the mall speaking entirely in British Accents:
(upon passing the tread mills)
JAKE: "I say, can you be-leeve that people actually sweat on those, those mills of tread?"
ME: "Ha Ha. I just pay my people to do the sweating for me."
JAKE: "Jolly good."
The following day we had a pleasant night of Cholo ball, mangling babies, and playing some magnificent version of hide and seek in people's front yards. All physically straining but fun, nonetheless.
And yesterday I went to the Agent Orange/The Human Killers Show in El Cajon. Holy shit was THK good. No other band even approached their amazingness except for Agent Orange, but those guys have been playing for over 15 years. Good Stuff. And Alex was there and we chilled with a lot of cool people and met a couple of awesome and interesting guys, particularly Nikky Straitjacket from the Foods. Anyways, it was tons of fun even though my big toe got crushed and now looks the EXACT same color as a grape popsicle stick right after you eat the popsicle part off.
Here comes the week right around the corner and I am severly less enthusiastic than I was a week ago at this time.