Jul 18, 2004 20:02
Have you ever...
1. Thrown up in public?: No.
2. Made someone else throw up?: No... If you don't count being the one who suggested riding 'The Scrambler' with my ex... Ew... That wasn't fun.
3. Held hands with someone?: Yep.
4. Hugged someone outside your family?: Do Keith and Mike every party count? ::smile::
5. Kissed someone outside your family?: ... ... Do pets count? (NO, not like THAT)
6. Had a makeout session with the opposite gender?: Nope.
7. Had a makeout session with the same gender?: Nope.
8. Done a flip off a diving board?: Yeah... Doesn't end well...
9. Punched someone?: No.
10. Been punched by someone?: Yes, and she'll never do it again. >:-)
11. Lost a friendship over something stupid?: Yeah.
12. Gotten the friendship back afterward?: Sometimes.
13. Tongue-kissed someone?: No.
14. Shared a romantic moment with someone?: Yeah... I thought it was, anyway.
15. Cursed at your friends?: Ask Amy. :-p~~~ Yes, too much.
16. Cursed at your family?: If sister doesn't count, then not so much.
17. Cursed because you could?: I was frustrated!
18. Done any drugs?: Prescription only, and yes, it was *my* prescription.
19. Smoked?: Well, that sunburn *was* outrageously bad... Was I smoking Amy?
20. Drank?: Nope.
21. Pissed someone off before?: HAHAHAHAHA! When don't I have someone pissed off?
22. Accidentally?: Oh yeah. Lots. Some people don't have a sense of humour.
23. Purposely?: Heh, Catherine.
24. Had unprotected sex?: Nope.
25. Had sex?: Nope.
26. Spent money for the sake of spending it?: Money... What's that? :-p
27. Tried to kill yourself before?: Er... pass.
28. Made fun of somebody out of boredom?: I always make fun of people, but I usually don't mean it.
29. Made someone cry?: And spent the rest of my day trying to fix it.
30. Been made fun of by someone?: All the time. I'm usually better at it than them though, heh.
31. Been really depressed before?: Yep.
32. Been to a psychiatrist before?: Psychotherapist. Key word being psycho. Like, *whoa*. And not by my own free will either. I was recommended to go there; I didn't want to.
33. Had a really freaky dream?: Heh heh heh, there was this one last night...
34. Wet the bed?: No, thankfully.
35. Faked being sick to miss school?: Tried. I always felt to guilty to do it. I even feel guilty missing school when I *AM* sick.
36. Actually made yourself sick to miss school?: I ended up missing the weekend instead, stupid pizza.
37. Had a freaky "fan girl" obsession?: ::blush:: Yes, I have RDA and Corin obsessions. And I'm embarrassed as hell about it, but I can't help myself. Stupid hormones...
38. Been in love with an anime character?: I like Kiro from CardCaptors. He's cute. (he's a teddy brea with wings)
39. Collected bottle caps?: No.
40. Collected stamps?: Tried. Have some British ones from something Wendy sent me, I think...
41. Collected cards?: Pokemon. I used to collect Pokemon. There's like 1000 of them in my room. And I have the season four set of Stargate cards... That's part of my RDA obsession.
42. Bragged about something to make someone jealous?: That doesn't work, trust me.
43. Stolen?: What, in general, or to make someone jealous? I've stolen in general, but that was when I was in elementary. Well, I steal the odd chocolate almond from Dad every once in awhile, but if that makes me a bad person, then I don't wanna be good!
44. Cheated?: I cheated once, and did feel guilty forever after.
45. Lied?: White lies?
46. Made fun of a religion?: HAHAHAHA, everyday.
47. Laughed at a racist joke?: No, they're not really funny...
48. Told a racist joke?: ... unless Newfoundlander jokes count as racist...
49. Visited a pornographic website?: Not by choice. Bloody pop-ups, and fake links.
50. Taken surveys like this out of boredom?: ::backs away slowly:: No...
meme meme meme