I'm going to have a word-of-the-week icon now. See, this would be easier if I could afford one of those damn tantalizing permanent accounts, but I can't, so you guys'll just have to remember my word-of-the-week icons fondly. Because let's face it, they don't go with the decor anyway.
Anyway, the word of the week is SWAG. Because I love that word.
And, it's a semi-slashy icon too. The base of which (and its friends) make quite an amazingly spiffy slash selection that will be Danny's desktop the second I don't have to take him in for Film and Video anymore, lol.
So. SWAG! Yarr, it be pirate's booty! Wait until next week where there's a new and interesting word of the week. Which methinks I've already mentally picked.
"Oh, I'm going to spend eternity alone with barely any swag." - Bender