Feb 20, 2005 20:02
seriously i had one of the BEST weekends of my ENTIRE life!!!!! it was sooooooooooooooooo AMAZING!!!! for those of you who DONT know i went to a winter retreat with JOYS CHURCH!!!!! up at marysville first aseembly of god! it was the BEST retreat ive been to!!!! i was so filled with the holy spirit and all of the glories of god!! i REALLY wish i could go to that church every week because that church is seriously soooooooooooo amazing! i feel like god called me to that church because i really felt comfortable with everybody there, i connected with the guys there, i had fun with the girls there JOY AND JAZZY!! The pastor was AMAZING!!!! he really spoke to my heart, there was a message on having ONE focus on jesus christ and he told everyone while they were praying at the altar to ask god to have you give something up for him, and i didnt really feel like god was telling me to give up anything but more to watch where i put my focus and always make sure that i always focus on him, which is PERFECTLY reasonable.
The next passage was on having a mission in life and to have god guide you in that mission and the pastor was so passionate whenever he spoke it was AMAZING!!!
Pentecostal churches are seriously SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than presbeterian churches, and this is just my opinion im not dissing on presbeterian churches or anything but like everyone at the pentecostal churches are so filled with the burning passion of the lord jesus christ and they show it left and right in worship and in the sermon and in prayer. People in prespeterian churches i mean lets face it, the majority of them dont raise their hands in worship, they dont yell out to ask for Gods pressence to fill them during prayer, they dont speak in tounges, its really passive worshing instead of active worship, and im not saying that its bad, dont get me wrong here because people express there love for god in different ways and i respect that but personally i LOVE pentecostal churches.
Its funny the pentecostal church is like a white version of a black church, its really funny but awesome at the same time! Seriously, its just like the way black people worship and all the "amens" and "come ons" add to it.
I come back from this camp feeling like a real man of god, like a REAL man of god with the passion to serve him wherever i go whenever. This one leader in my cabin named Andrew Munez said toward the end that he was so blown away at our cabin and at how passionate we were, and he said that we were real men of god and everytime i hear the term "man of god" it really encourages me to follow god because that term is like being royalty, thats the feeling i get from it, and i like it. We as men are called to be men of god and follow him in all ways, and we should not to conform to things and compromise parts of our faith to what the world may think, the world is wrong in its thoughts and we as men of god have to rise up, we have to show the world what men of god are made of and trust me, when we do that, we will be a force to be reckoned with, satan can knock us down if we are alone, but if we stand together as men of god, he will never knock us down because what he does to one of us he does to all of us and i dont think he wants to mess with an army. NO WAY WILL HE MESS WITH AN ARMY!!! NO WAY WILL HE BREAK AN ARMY DOWN!!!! he can try all he wants but if we stand together as men of god, we WILL be a force to be reckoned with, he will not break us down, and thats why its important to be involved with the church, and have guys that you can trust and pray with and really have a spiritual relationsihp with. You will be sooooooooo much stronger.
I have a wonderful amazing praise to the lord god for this weekend though, because i was praying all weekend about something that i wanted to happen in someones life, and he came through for me and revealed himself to that person, and relaly encouraged her, because she was really struggling in her faith and it was making me sad, and she was on my heart the whole weekend in prayer and god came through PRAISE HIM!!!!
The theme of the camp was to go deeper in your walk with the lord, and i feel that i really have:)
I want to go deeper
but I don't know how to swim
I want to be meeker
but have you seen this old earth
I want to fly higher
but these arms won't take me there
I want to be, I want to be
and the wonder of it all
is that I'm living just to fall
more in love with you
and the wonder of it all
is that I'm living just to fall
more in love with you