Feb 11, 2007 20:43


Check it out... I just received an e-mail from one of the Rebbeim there, and he informed me they accepted my application. So that's where I will be next year =) I'm INCREDIBLY excited. I'm going to be learning in Israel for a year!!

I compiled a short list of the reasons "WHY Yeshiva in Israel? WHY Lev HaTorah?"

I want to go there, because I feel like I belong there. Israelis are gruff, stubborn, and direct. While I'm too skinny to be gruff, I'm certainly stubborn and direct!

Israel has good food. I know at least three of you just said: "Whaat?!".... To clarify, I am not talking about KIBBUTZ food, or NCSY food over there. Actually, the NCSY food I had over there was pretty awesome when I went after Freshman year...but, regardless... I'm talking about the fruits and vegetables over there. I am not a fan of watermelon. Israeli basketball watermelon is the most delicious most refreshing piece of goodness I've ever sunk my teeth into. For a while I've been attempting to keep up with a kosher diet... and well... I miss Maruchan soups! I look forward to awesome kosher Mediterranean food.

If you read back a couple years to an old post, (perhaps I'll bring it up here...)...I explained the effect of Israel's climate on me. Basically, my entire time in Israel, I didn't suffer from a single asthmatic episode. I was in the front of most tiyulim(hikes) and had no problem climbing mountains etc. Granted, my asthma isn't so bad to begin with, but it's definitely there...and running a mile in Connecticut (or Floridian) weather really does a toll on my lungs. While I'm not exactly OUT of shape... I'm definitely not IN shape. I believe Israel will give me a nice head-start in developing my lungs and muscles as my body enters this phase of its existence. (Wow...such gashmeus! time for some ruchneus!)

Israel smells a lot better than the US. I don't know about anywhere else (besides Prague...which stinks)... but Israeli air smells a m a z i n g everywhere except Maya Sharim. (Anybody know the correct romanji spelling for the city?). OK, there are exceptions... but Israel is the only country in the world with a net growth of trees every year, and that extra oxygen and natural pine scent is delicious.

It says in Gemara, Baba Metzia 158b, that the air in Eretz Yisrael makes one wiser... There are deeper ways of understanding that, but I think the pshat(simplest level) is that if you want a Jewish education, where else is better than the Holy Land?

I am a big fan of Gemara, and I know my skills in learning it are severely lacking. A year in Israel, learning a lot of this stuff, will definitely give me the foundation I need to learn Gemara at the level that I want.

So far these are just generic reasons for A) Wanting to be in Israel and B) Wanting to attend Yeshiva there... but why specifically Lev HaTorah?

I love Mussar. מוסר means Ethics. Lev HaTorah, לב התורה, means "The Heart of Torah." Lev HaTorah, from what I've heard, specializes in exposing its talmidim(students) to a wide variety of speakers and classes all about how to be a Mensch. You all know me... Don't you think I need some help in this regard?!? I strive for character development.

I have a lot of holes in my understanding of stuff. Lev HaTorah is one of the few yeshivot that doesn't have its talmidim sit and learn Gemara all day... They learn TaNaCH and discuss contemporary issues and philosophy.

What Yeshiva Lev HaTorah lacks, I think it greatly makes up in spirit. Someone, upon hearing that the Yeshiva I wanted to go to was in Ramat Beit SHemesh, told me the following joke...

What's the difference between a Yeshiva in Ramat Beit Shemesh, and a Yeshiva in America?
~~~~A Yeshiva in America is not an hour away from the Kotel!(Western Wall)

Now, when I first heard that, my immediate reaction was: "WOOOT! I'll be only an hour away from the Kotel!!!"...but the point of the joke my friend was making was basically summed up by her next few words... "You will never learn Hebrew there!"

Which is pretty disheartening! However, I am not worried. My goal for next year is to become comfortably fluent in Hebrew, and I really don't think much will be able to stand in my way. Not furthering in Hebrew a significant degree is really not an option. I simply wont let that happen. The Rebbeim I have talked to have assured me, as well, that they have a good ulpan(Hebrew School...haha) there.

I have met two of them personally, and another one of them went to school with another Rabbi I know, who speaks very highly of him. The Rabbi of Summer @ YU teaches there, and was definitely one of the most enthusiastic and enthralling teachers I have ever had. I am really honored to learn under him!

The famous Zoo Rabbi teaches there as well! You can check out his website at http://www.zootorah.com/ ....He's pretty cool, and pretty controversial! (A lot of Rabbis have put him in Cherem(excommunication...banned his stuff).

Now, the next reason is sort of a "settling reason"... but, going back to the idea that it's a bus ride away from the Holiest City... well... I'll be bringing my ipod. An hour long bus ride (I hear it's actually shorter) Is the perfect amount of time to listen to an Audio shiur! No, I don't feel bad that I wont be learning in Yerushalayim. Ramat Beit Shemesh is more than fine.

I was in New York last weekend, and (say what you will...) noticing the random US soldiers walking around Grand Central made me incredibly nostalgic. I bumped into one of my old Hebrew School teachers the other day at the post office, and after I told her I was headed for Israel, she commented that she would be too nervous to do something like that... Well, honestly, I feel safer in Eretz Yisrael. Seeing a man dressed in modern warrior garb at a street corner doesn't scare me... it makes me feel s e c u r e. They make me feel: "Hey, if something bad happens around here, there's someone with a big gun who's on my side and is trained to know what to do." I'm sure if anything really happens, I'll actually just think: "OH DEAR LORD!" and soil myself... but at least before and after I will have a better piece of mind THERE than anywhere else.

So there you have it... the rough draft of my list of why I want to do this. Why I AM doing this. Comments?
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