(no subject)

May 22, 2007 03:22


Let me just say, I love Daddy Bennet. *hearts*

Not so much with the love for Mama Petrelli. I don't care if she's not really evil, saying those things about Peter?! Bitch and a half, is all I'm saying. There's nothing wrong with a guy who has heart, so long as he's got balls, too.

Oh, and does Peter ever have balls. Or is that...had? I mean, I know he can regenerate and shit, but dude. They flew into, like, the stratosphere. Aren't there limits to how far you can fall to Earth without being reduced to tiny Mah Jongg tiles? Whatever. All I know is that I will seriously die if they killed Peter. He's too fucking hot for words and I WANT HIM NOW.

Claire. Oh, Claire. You feel me. You want him so bad you can taste it, don't you? I am usually totally against the incest, but man. If they don't decide to make Peter and Claire unrelated, then I will just have to go to hell. 'Cause I'll 'ship them anyways. And I'll have the fanfic to prove it.

Mohinder, you are very pretty.

Sylar, WTF? Why is your ass not dead? ...Or is it? ;) Mwahaha. Yeah, I'm sure they're evil like that.

Ando and Hiro continued to bring the cute, right up 'til the end. If anyone's slashing anyone on this show, why not these two? Or have I just not yet stumbled upon that cache of wrongness in my internet fumblings?

Niki, Jessica, DL, blah.

Molly and Micah, however, are both made of win.

Oh, Parkman. You should always listen to the people wearing horn-rimmed glasses. Especially when they advocate being within twenty feet of Peter Petrelli. Who, in case you hadn't heard, is a stone-cold fox.

In other words, "...?!..."

Donna :)
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