Mar 15, 2006 12:42
well i just got an email that said ferdyflyer has noticed that u havent updated ur profile in like 2 weeks so here i am trying to fix that so... ok i have been working and doing school just about a lot! This weekend we are having a uth thing for st. patricks day i dont even know who st. patrick is? haha i know he liked green alot though haha well then we are making food on saturday(our uth) for people and sunday we are going to go serve it or something im just goin with the flo so here i am updating my livejournal so i think i am going to see a movie today i dont know with who are what but i am! haha this is so random! ok well im trying to make this long so ang doesnt get mad again!(haha im jk ang i love u!) so here i am stalling.......... haha i like bacon its good how bout u? umm ya im going to see a movie today but i already told u that umm ya well hey did u know on ur keyboard there is a mysterious letter that u dontknow about in the bottom left cornner! i just found that out..............If u fell for that u have to tell me! hahaha oh i saw this thing someone sent it to me on email while i was talking to alli on the phone and it said life is like a toilit paper roll the more u thats gone the faster it goes haha wierd! well i think i have stalled enough! and if u fell for that letter thing that was just right off the top of my head so hahaha! so see u in two weeks! haha JUST KIDDING ANG! i love the gillands!