Mar 26, 2005 22:19
I realize your sadness... I feel the same way. But you just gotta take
all of that sadness and just throw it out the window of
opportunities. And if the window won't open, get a friend to help you
open it. They should be there, right by your side.
Don't seal your window... Or else life'll get dull.
. - - - -> Take Chances
`.- - - - -> Be Crazy
`.- - - - -> Think Risky
` - - - - - - -[[Live a Great Life]]
Don't let anyone bring you down. That's the worst thing you can do
to yourself. No one can make you sad unless you let them.
Don't yell at the person that said it,
Laugh at the thing that was said.
Never let anyone see your pain.
Fool them.
Live your life not caring, not being fair, lying, stealing, and
cheating, just never let anyone know that you did it. Just be wild
and horrible, you can fool anyone. Just look at "Razzle Dazzle":
'Long as you keep `em way off balance, how can they spot you've got no talents?'
'Though you are stiffer than a girder, they'll let you get away with murder.'
It HaS mEaNiNg, It'S nOt JuSt A sOnG
I made all of those quotes up there =D Yep every single one.