Jan 06, 2008 21:57
A USA Today/Gallup poll said Obama had opened up a 13-point lead over Clinton in New Hampshire, 41 percent to 28 percent, with 19 percent for former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards.
This was confirmed by a WMUR/CNN tracking poll, taken over the weekend, that showed Obama leading Clinton, 39 to 29 percent.
So... it appears that Clinton's status as the "Front Runner" was entirely based on the idea that she was the only Democrat who could possibly win. After Iowa, where that particular bubble burst, they all went to Obama. Seen as simultaneously more liberal and more bi-partisan than Clinton, the New Hampshire Independent vote surged in his favor, combined with a disappointed Clinton support base.
Iowa and New Hampshire behind him... South Carolina is going to be a walk. The black vote, knowing for the first time with some serious assurance, that a black person might actually be a legitimate candidate, they'll likely vote for him in droves. The women's vote split 50/50 and the youth vote split between Edwards and Obama (leaning towards the latter), it seems apparent that Obama is going to take the Democratic Primary win and Edwards has positioned himself as the likely VP candidate... again.
All in all... I'm extremely pleased!
- Kas.