Hey everybody!
ok... day by day.
I'll start with thursday, since it is quite relavant to the story.
I woke up to great news, I passed the first round of interviews at Potowotomi and was going to get a second interview date yet to be determined! I was so excited that i decided to go to lunch with a loved one, and called a certain restaurant for reservations. The long and short of it is this, my roomeate had been lying to me about several things over the last few months, and i had several discussions with him about the fact that i had caught him in some big lies about working and being unemployed, and the large amount of money he owes me and our landlord. Well anyways, he lied to me about applying at this place the night before,. How did I know? THE DAMN RESTAURANT WAS OUT OF BUISNESS. Anyways, i got really pissed. so what does al do when he is pissed? I cleaned my apartment head to toe. So yah. I waited patiently for him to get home, and when he did I informed him that he was to move out by the end of the weekend. Nick ended up coming over later on, and we had a pretty enjoyable night, which i needed immensly.
I woke up very early to take My roomate to get his final check and to run some errands.On my way to the bank I called my oldest friends older brother, She moved to vega a while back, and I was calling him to linvite him to my show that night. He informed me that he had injured himself and was laid up at a friends house on heavy painkillers, so he couldn't go but that Lena(his sister) may want to go. I was like, "vegas to milwaukee for an hour of rock, might not work." SHE'S BACK IN TOWN!!!!!!!!!!! This girl and I were inseperable for ever and ever. I always said she was my carbon copy, with boobs. So I called her, left a message and went to the liquor store. Yes buying beer at 10 am... WHAT!!! you gotta problem with that? So I waited and waited, still cleaning of course, finally eard back from her, and ultimatly got to see her for 3 hours for the first time in 3 years. AWESOME. later as i was taking her home, i ran into tricky and he ended up tagging along.
My band was playing a show there at 10. we showed up about 8:30 to set up and found the bar to not only have free beer for us, but free rails as well. 10 total pitchers, one awesome show by my band, and 3 hours later, the Fearless Leader entourage was hammered. We all retreated to my house after the bar to drink more. Kari was hammered off of her 2(but very strong) cranberry vodkas. We scarfed some McD's and went home to... well... drink more. Kari went home, and the rest of us eventually passed out. awesome night.
Did i meantion that I was hammered friday night?
I performed with the Shorewood Players as a memeber of our Cabaret group singing a solo, 2 duets and 4 big numbers, including the solo in season of love. Man... i was on 3 hours of sleep and hung over, but i kicked ass!
While i was at Bayshore, my roomate became my ex-roomate and moved home to Two Rivers. It was a big relief for me because i just couldn't truat him anymore. Everything he said to me, i felt was a lie, and i ended up loathing him, and it pretty much ended our 3 year friendship. He was all gushy and apologetic the night before at the bar, and seemed to think that it was like a bon voyage for him as he said goodbye to everyone. im sorry but when you are getting kicked out of your house for being a lyer and a deadbeat, you don't really get all gushy with your goodbyes to the person who was so furious with you, that he'd rather assume the entire rent on his own than to live with you another moment, Just my two cents. Do i hate him? No. But i have been so angry and so repulsed by the way he has behaves that i couldn'nt stand to be in the same room with him.
After my performance, all of the performers went to Tumbleweed's and sat at the longest table i have ever eaten at. We socialized and ate for a good two and a half hours, and then all departed into our seperate ways. I went home and forced myself to stay awake by playing Madden because i promised Kari that i would wait to nap for her. Well, i Failed and she told me to get a head start. Almost the exact moment i fell asleep, my phone started ringing and didn't stop for an hour. everyone and there mother called about everything and anything. BUH! well I finally got some rest, kari came over and we chilled for a bit, then headed out to say goodbye to an old friend who is moving to england next week. Afterwords we had another fantastic night at
Cock and Toast. It really is the best time to be had in the city. YOU ALL NEED TO CHECK IT OUT.
Lazy day. Hung out with matt and decided that he would be my next roomate, and then went to lunch with the tricky. Came home full of delicious Qdoba and vegged for a bit. I then decided to turn my ex-roomates room into a study. There is a door that connects the two that was nailed shut. Earlier, when matt was over, I removed the nails to find the door couldnt function because it was below the carpet line. Matt and i quickly went to work and removed the door by the hinges. Brilliant! THE OFFICIAL STORY IS THAT MATT PICKED ME UP OVER HIS HEAD AND THRE ME THROUGH THE DOOR, SHATTERING IT INTO A MILLION PIECES. Well we all know the truth now, don't we. Tricky and i went to work in a big way rearranging the house to make the extra bedroom a kick ass study, complete with green couch, computer and soundsystem, end tables, bookshelves, and fish. it is glorious. The only problem seems to be that the floor is so slanted that i am typing on an incline. Oh well. It's a small rice to pay for a two room bedroom with a study.
so that brings us up to speed. Tomorrow I have that second interview at the casino, so we will see what happens. I'm going to wear the new tie my baby got me!
Alright, the blood is all flowing to the left side of my body, so im going to go to level ground.
nighty nighty children.