Class List
TA: Ino Yamanaka
Teddy Altman
Katina Choovanski
Gavin Darklighter
Harvey Dent
Alice Liddell
Meg Powers
Summer Roberts
Sookie Stackhouse
Cal Stephanides
Buffy Summers
Andrew Wiggin
Naomi Wildman
Sam Winchester
Sam Witwicky
Week 1: Jan. 8 - Introductions (Activity: Historic figure you would challenge/oppose/fight)
Week 2: Jan. 15 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue... (1492) (Native Americans, Vikings, Puritans)
Week 3: Jan. 22 - Battle of Bunker Hill (1775) Declaration of Independence (1776)
Week 4: Jan. 29 - Louisiana Purchase (1803) (Manifest Destiny)
Week 5: Feb. 5 - Civil War (1861-1865)
Week 6: Feb. 12 - The Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876) (National League of Baseball also founded. Baseball game!)
Week 7: Feb. 19 - Midterm
Week 8: March 6 - Theodore Roosevelt/Pure Food & Drug Act (1906)
Week 9: March 13 - Espionage & Sedition Act/ WWI (1917)
Week 10: March 20 - Stock Market Crash/Great Depression (1929)
Week 11: March 27 - Pearl Harbor (1941)/Horoshima [1945]
Week 12: April 3 - 1968 (MLK assasinated/DNC riots/Tet Offensive)
Week 13: April 10 - Watergate (1973)
Week 14: April 17 - Current events/Election of Barack Obama (2008)
Final Exam: April 24
Class Rules
Any form of physical violence is an automatic detention.
You can also earn a detention by being disrespectful to the teachers. Not disagreeing -- that's perfectly fine -- but, really, they don't take kindly to being called stupid by some kid. Calling your classmates stupid or otherwise being an insulting pain in the ass is also a very bad idea.
Notepassing and talking during the lecture is tolerated but not encouraged, and they will intervene if it seems to be disruptive. Similarly, if you want to sleep in class, fine, but someone probably will throw things at your head. The teachers will call you in for a chat and consider detention if you rack up more than two unexcused (IC or OOC) absences.