Title: The rush of a full house on opening night
Pairing: Steve/Kate
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Zanna, Don't! is not mine.
Steve admired Kate.
He admired the way she prioritized and planned, how she tackled everything in her path--from college applications to mechanical bulls--in order to achieve what she wanted. What she deserved.
He admired the way her hair fell in her eyes when it was still wet and he admired the way her lips twisted ever-so-slightly when she concentrated on her books or a script.
He admired the way her skin shone slick with sweat beneath the the theater lights on opening night and the sweet smell of her perfume he got when he leaned in to kiss her on-stage, in front of the entire school.
He admired the way she bravely ignored the heterophobic slurs a couple jerks shouted at her in the hall and continued acting in the school play. Steve admired the way she took to her role so passionately even though she had nothing personal to gain from the the play's success, because Steve knew it was impossible for a girl as pretty as her to be straight, and he admired her all the more strongly because of it.
But that didn't stop him from imagining what it would be like to admire her with his lips and tongue and fingertips, the two of them tangled up in the sheets of his bed.
Sometimes Steve wondered if perhaps he had mixed up his emotions, and admiration was the flood of warmth in his chest when Mike hugged him after winning a chess match and love was really the thrilling sensation of lightning electrocuting his senses at the slightest brush of his hand against Kate's.
But then Steve would see Kate kissing Roberta in the hall and the distance between himself and Kate would seem impossibly huge and scary and Steve would realize that he didn't want Kate to be straight, even if it was possible, because she was a girl and he was a boy and a love like theirs could never be.
So Steve hoped that he didn't have his emotions mixed up, because then he could be normal and what he felt for Kate would be nothing more than the rush of a full house on opening night.
Because as much as Steve admired Kate, he knew he could never ask her to give up normal for him.