Title: Porphyrophobia
Pairing: Cuddy/Cameron
Rating: G
Disclaimer: House, M.D. is not mine.
Note: In 2.03 ("Humpty Dumpty"), Cuddy's bathroom is purple. This drabble ignores that.
Cuddy's parents had divorced when she was two. Thirty or forty years later, it would've been a paltry matter, but when Cuddy was two, people didn't get divorced. It couples had marital problems, they either worked them out or ignored them.
Her mother had raised her alone and instilled in her daughter two things: a strong ambition and an avoidance of purple things.
Success, as her mother taught her, was a career and a nice house. Success was not any of the following: a man, children (unless she obtained a career and house first), or placing second.
Armed with her mother's philosophy, Cuddy spent years pursuing an education. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA and became the second youngest (and the first woman ever) to be hired as a Dean of Medicine.
But no matter how successful she had been in building a career, Cuddy always remained uneasy around purple. For while her mother had stressed success since Cuddy could crawl, the thing she associated with her mother more than anything else was purple.
And Cuddy was afraid of ending up like her mother.
So when Cuddy found forty creeping up, and herself still single, she accepted Cameron's offer to get drinks after work.
Several months later, when Cameron was contemplating purchasing a purple dress, Cuddy slipped a white one into her arms instead.
"I don't like purple," said Cuddy.
Cameron purchased the dress without asking. She knew Cuddy would tell her when she was ready.