Title: The Perks of Being a Ninja
Characters: Kisame, Itachi
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Itachi was in a foul mood. Kisame's solution was to go to the store and buy alcohol and porn. When he got back their motel room was empty.
Spotting something pink peeking out from beneath Itachi's cloak, Kisame set down his bag. He picked up the panties and stared at them. Itachi did not bring whores home, but whose panties were they?
The bathroom door was closed, so Kisame knocked. "Itachi?"
Kisame tried to think of a delicate way to phrase his question. "You didn't fuck a whore in here when I was at the store, did you?"
"... No."
"Then where did these panties come from?"
Itachi's silence confused Kisame further.
"They're not... yours."
"Why not?"
The door opened and Itachi stood before him, naked.
A strangled scream escaped from Kisame and he fainted. Calmly, Itachi retrieved the panties and pulled them over his smooth crotch. Then he stepped over Kisame's unconscious body, popped the porn into the VHS player and opened the alcohol.
Being a master of illusions had its benefits, such as the ability to temporarily be a fucking gorgeous woman; the difficultly would be convincing Kisame that he really did have a penis.