Feb 25, 2012 15:49
First TV show I had self-insertion fantasies about:
TV show? I--don't think I ever did? I've never really been a self-insertion kind of fangirl. Even as a little kid playing pretend, I wasn't imagining that I was Luke Skywalker's girlfriend. I was imagining that I was Princess Leia. I pretended that I was Angela from Gargoyles, that I was Sora from Digimon, that I was Sabrina, the teenage witch...I never really imagined adding myself into the mix.
First fandom in which I interacted (online and in person) with other fans:
Hmm. Hard question to answer. Assuming we're not counting me ardently playing at Star Wars, Gargoyles and Disney when I was a kid--I guess that would be Harry Potter? maybe? I was part of a Harry Potter fan club when I was like, ten years old. We made up a Harry Potter trivia game, and were still intently trying to finish it and get it sold by the time the first movie (and Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit) came out.
Pairing in the first (m/m) slash fanfiction I read:
The first m/m I ever read was Aragorn/Legolas. I was maybe fourteen? Thirteen? I remember feeling really uncomfortable about it because obviously Aragorn was in love with Arwen and I didn't understand why he would be cheating on her at all, but it was really angsty and I bought at least halfway into it. I remember seeing the boy I had a crush on trade a caressing sort of hug with another boy, feeling upset, and then reminding myself of that fic, as this--I don't know, antihomophobic touchstone? I hadn't really been taught about either homosexuality or homophobia at that point, (aside from all the internalized stuff) and so that fic was what I thought about when I thought about gay people, for a while. (A very short while.)
First RPS/RPF I read:
I think it was actually--weirdly--Viggo/Orlando. I think. I wasn't into it at all, but a friend had enthusiastically told me to read it, and so I did, and I liked it, sure, but I didn't really connect it to the actors at all. It felt like an original story with the actors' names inserted in there (it probably helped that it was wildly AU.) The first RPS pairing I ever seriously got into was Zachary Quinto/Chris Pine, though.
First fanfiction I read that made me think, YES, this is exactly the kind of fanfiction I'd like to write...
I have no way of remembering. There were two fics I read in my early Lord of the Rings days that really stick out in my mind--"Pottymouth," by...I don't actually remember who by, but it was a modern AU with Legolas as a pottymouthed biker with long golden hair and black leather pants, and Eowyn as an abandoned housewife (Faramir had realized he was gay, changed his name to Frances, and left her for a bloke named David), and they basically had steaming hot romance novel style sex for what felt like the length of an entire novel. I was massively into it. The other one was--I don't even remember the title of this one, but it was basically a hurt/comfort PWP set in the middle of the battle of Helm's Deep, between Legolas and Gimli. The writing that I tried to do in those days tended to come out in either a very sappy h/c way, (usually starring Legolas and Gimli), or in a very profane way (in the manner of a fourteen year old girl who's just discovered all these different ways to say "fuck," and all the different ways in which those iterations might apply to actual bodies.)
Pairing in the first fanfiction I wrote:
First fanfic I ever wrote was when I was ten years old, before I'd discovered the internet. You know how Animorphs ended on a cliffhanger? I tried to write an ending for that cliffhanger, since I hated it so much. Also I resurrected Rachel (and, inexplicably, David), so there was a burgeoning Rachel/Tobias and Rachel/David love triangle going on. But it would have ended up being Rachel/Tobias if I'd ever finished them, because they were the OTP of my heart.
The first fanfic I ever posted online was Legolas/Gimli, though. And god, was it fucking awful.
First OTP:
? HARD QUESTION. I feel like I've been having OTPs since early childhood! Jo/Laurie. Aladdin/Jasmine. Goliath/Elisa (and Goliath/Demona.) Han/Leia. Rachel/Tobias. Pocahontas/John Smith.
First RPS/F OTP:
Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto.
First fannish friend I met in person:
Uh, discounting the childhood friends who tolerantly allowed me to demand they play Han Solo and get themselves kidnapped by a dragon so that I could rescue them as Princess Leia with my invisible gun and then, while they were still invisibly tied up to the mast of the ship that I was piloting, inform them breathlessly to "now pretend that I kissed you, okay?" Hm. Probably somewhere around fourth grade, when my Harry Potter bestie and I first started walking over to each others' houses, carrying books we thought the other should probably read, staying to eat cookies and talk about the new developments in Sabriel. Or maybe the Lord of the Rings bestie I had in eighth grade who traded notes written in Elvish with me. Or the Pirates of the Caribbean friends I had in high school who dressed up like pirates with me and kept a shared notebook in which we all wrote fanfic about Jack Sparrow. The first person I've ever met from online fandom--as in, someone I knew online first--was--exactly never? I guess? I tend to make my connections in person and then bring them online later, I suppose.
First character I formally roleplayed:
Formally? That would be, like, a month ago. I stumbled into it accidentally, but then we did it for real, and it was fun. I'd consider doing it again, although I think in general it's difficult to navigate. I played Molly Hooper.
half your problems are in your head