[Locked to Rhode, RL]

Sep 28, 2008 09:20

Tyki had been spending a very enjoyable weekend with Zechs. So enjoyable, that he was loathe to leave him (her).

But at the same time, Tyki hadn't spent any time with his niece in a while, and had missed her at the party. Zechs still brought a male perspective to the whole experience, and Tyki was a little curious what Rhode had in mind. Besides, one could only stare at the same four walls for so long. Not that Tyki was looking at the walls.

He walked down the boulevard of the city of Junon, alert to any signs that Rufus might be in town and finding none. Which didn't surprise him. Rufus was probably closeted away with Dark, for somewhat of the same reason why Tyki had been closeted away.

He was aware that his appearance was attracting quite a lot of favourable attention. He winked at a few of the men who whistled at him, but then had to get a little creative to avoid even more attention. Finally he found himself alone at the lookout, leaning on the railing and looking out to sea, waiting for Rhode.

rhode, rl

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