(no subject)

Oct 20, 2010 01:56

 from accio0greatness

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload/link) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

I was given the letter 'K'. (K for Kaiva)

Since I have only about 26 songs starting with k this will be fairly easy. I hope.

The Killing Moon by Echo and the Bunnymen. I first heard this on an advert to Supernatural and fell in love with it straight away. I love how gravelly his voice is. The mood it sets. Plus the name is quite cool. "Under blue moon I saw you, So soon you'll take me!"

The King and All of His Men by Wolf Gang. I just love this song for the lyrics. The lead singer also reminds me of James Marster but kinda like a Pied Piper version lol. "You took her soul, So incomplete, Why don't you stop fighting me? You're in control."

Kids In America by Kim Wilde. I heard this on the Digimon movie. (Which I fecking loved, so sue me!) Then I heard it on Scrubs so double bonus! "New York to East California, There's a new wave coming I warn ya', We're the kids in America, WOAH!"

King of the Rodeo by Kings of Leon. The first song by Kings of Leon I heard was 'Sex On Fire' and some people would call me a wannanbe but meh to them! I at least went through their previous stuff on YouTube and found the songs I liked. I feel as if I missed out on years of loving KOL! Ok Caleb's singing is sometime illegible so I just sing what I hear and that is different each time, so no lyrics for this one.

Konichiwa Bitches by Robyn. I loved this the second it came on the music channel I was watching. This is the *PURE* Robyn. From back when she started lol. Some very good lines in this. "I'm so very hot that when I rob your mansion, You ain't callin' the cops you call the firestation."

There you go my dear, five songs. :D.

Comments as always equal love of the highest order.

supernatural, kim wilde, robyn, kol!, scrubs, digimon, wolf gang

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