Oct 12, 2008 03:19
Being the lonely outcast (not really but we'll just label me that for now ok?) that I am I have an entire filing SYSTEM for storing away fanfiction into what I like to think of as my personal collection. (I know what your thinking, don't. I don't post it anywhere I don't claim that it's mine I just keep it so I can amuse myself and enjoy it's shinyness. All of you who freaked out, calm down.) [ ALL OF YOU XD -laughs because >5 people read my journal, none frequently- is amused.]
It's complicated and is developed from the time where all I had access to in privacy was a computer without internet x_x
Because this is MY journal thus for the focusing of me as the center of my tiny universe I AM going to explain this system, and I will most likely look at this in several years and laugh and point at it and think "Oh past me, how cute you were".... MOVING ON
This System has 3 Main Files: READ, KEEP, SAVE
This is the quick dumping place from the times were I would scour the internet for stories and horde them away for later while casting furtive glances over my shoulder to makes sure everyone else was occupied, AS THEY SHOULD BE D< !!! This is anything I looked at and thought "Oh, mildly interesting -copypastefolata-"
note: I do save the URL with the story so if I want to review I know where to go back to
After having been read in the read file it is then transferred to the "KEEP" file. Where I will eventually read it AGAIN, because I anticipate that future me will have more sense than past me and in re-reading will either go "Oh I remember this" or think "WHAT THE HELL ME???!?!?!" and throw this trash that sneaked it's way through away.
Is in the "KEEP" file and is where stories that have been read and re-read go, they are sorted by series... that is all.
In theory I would read what is in the "READ" file, but as communism knows theory and reality play out very differently. SO I have stories in there that I've looked at a billion times as Future me and gone "I remember saving that and I DON'T want to read it.... right now" and therefore it never gets read and I don't know if it's good or bad and that nagging thought keeps me from deleting it!!!! Also factored in is the waxing and waning of fandoms like cycles of the moon. I look at myself and think "Seriously? CSI Fanfction? You liked this at one time?" and thus those files stay in the file, unread taking up space....
BTW: Progress on Naruto! Chapter 122 of 419 - 29% COMPLETE
animu related,