Come, buy a house! "The Duplex" Upper/Lower; two bedrooms each, I think.
I figure I've got a slightly bigger reading audience than Mom. Feel free to share this with anyone you know that's looking for a house in the Twin Cities.
There's a single family home to the south of that, $94,000 (according to Mom. May also need to pay the 2007 taxes?). Three owners ago, it was beautiful... I haven't been inside since, mind. Genny pulled the carpet out (my sibs and I, and the four neighbor girls from one house farther south yet helped with this) and refinished the wood floors -- she put a compass star beneath the archway that separates the living room from the dining room in three (I think) colors of stain. It -should- be still there, unless the dogs that just moved out seriously damaged the floor.
I can't find a listing for this one... I'm perturbed.
"Max and Ian's House" $70,550
4 Bed, 2 Bath
1,575 Sq. Ft.
"Fudge's House" $84,977
2 Bed, 2 Bath
900 Sq. Ft.