Jun 13, 2007 20:19
Today I witnessed exactly how horrible a death rat poisoning can bring to a 2 month old puppy. It was... truly horrific......
A pair of idiot owners brought in their tiny little 2 month old puppy because she was lethargic and coughing, and had some blood on her chin which they assumed she coughed up. They assured us that there was no chance of the puppy getting into any rat poisoning or other chemicals, and that no trauma occurred, but we quickly learned otherwise. We brought the dog in to do a temp and blood pressure and such, but within five minutes of it being there it started coughing up large amounts of blood. We rushed into treatment and the doctor tried putting an endotracheal tube in, which eventually worked, and we got the pup on some oxygen (though at this point it was almost dead, and we had to do a lot of the breathing for it manually with the oxygen bag). We would tip the puppy forward and blood would literally pour out its mouth from its lungs. Needless to say, it was a very serious pulmonary (and everything else) edema. Blood was coming out of every orifice. We couldn't even get a catheter in to euthanize the poor thing (or give it plasma since we were actually trying to save her until it came to the euthanasia point) - the blood pressure was just too low, even with a 24 gauge needle and trying both cephalic and one saphenous vein, no luck. We had every tech and a doctor working on this poor dog, but after 5 or 10 minutes of trying, she just died. The most horrible, painful death imaginable. It was not traumatic at the time, surprisingly, but afterwards when it sank in what all had just happened it was just... terrible.
People are so fucking stupid - it makes me SO angry at times. It was 99% sure rat poisoning because the chemicals in rodenticides cause problems in the blood clotting mechanisms throughout the body, which eventually causes bleeding from pretty much every vessel - it becomes particularly problematic in the lungs and abdomen of course. But it sucks regardless. Anyway, so people are so fucking stupid, to think that a 2 month old puppy can go unsupervised. Fucking stupid people buying their poor dog from a pet store and being fucking retarded. They probably stopped at the pet store on the way home and got a new one. Assholes.
As if the day couldn't get any worse, a couple hours later I put a bolus of fluids into a 17 year old cat that's been in our hospital for a couple of days because of kidney problems (due to the pet food recall I believe). Five minutes later, another tech went in to get a blood pressure and temp, and the cat was dead. Lovely.