Red Heads have more fun :)

Dec 06, 2005 12:14

I dyed my hair red the other night. What do you think? I'm not sure you can see it real well in the picture. I like it. It turned out better on the lighter parts of my hair (my natural highlights i guess) so it just looks like I had it highlighted with red. I think I'll do it again before the New Year's Party.

Aeve and I had a long and agonixing day yesterday. You know when you start the day scrubbing blue marker off the walls that it's gonna be tough. I still don't know where she found that dry erase marker, but luckily for us it wasn't permanant and it washed right off. When I saw her with marker all over her mouth and hands and her wall-canvas I just wanted to laugh. Later, when I caught her pouring red koolaid into shawn's soda glass (which was a much smaller cup) and letting it spill all over the floor, my good mood reigned and I simply told her she wasn't allowed to do that and I put her to bed. Yesterday just seemed agonizingly long and boring. I had time to bring in our new bookcases and move the entertainment center out of the living room. Then I had to rearrange the rest of the furniture because it just didn't fit right anymore. In the evening the kids were both being cranky so we put aeve to bed early and put Dae in his swing. I was so glad when shawn came home!

Today is feeling even longer, but hopefully things will get better. Ann is supposed to come over and Tom and Donna want to come over and take pictures of the kids for their X-Mas cards.
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