Random thoughts, or An Update

Mar 08, 2010 16:09

First, let me go on and on about the brilliance of the company I work for. Yes, CVS, I am going to talk about you. Deal with it.

1) We were given some in-store advertising to put up. It said to put it up when we got it and to take it down on February 31. You can see where that's wrong, right?

2) Like a lot of companies, we're suppose to push the add-on sales. Last month was chocolate covered peanuts and raisins. They're pretty good, actually. But we have to ask the overweight people buying the diet aids and the diabetics if they want the chocolate. They need a better up-sell item for next month.

3) Our district manager pulls our assistant manager out of our store one month before inventory. He used some really lame excuse that there was a law that said you had to have so many hourly employees to have more than one salaried employees. One phone call to the Labor Board proves that one is bullshit. I seriously think he's trying to either get my boss fired or force her to quit. He's sending another shift-supervisor to replace her and to spy on us for him.

Luckily, I am two classes and one on-the-job training thingies and one state exam away from getting my pharmacy tech certification.

But enough bitching about work. Lately, I've been having weird dreams every night. A few times they were actual nightmares. The kind that make you NOT want to go back to sleep. I don't remember them except for the weird one last night and the bad nightmare that kind of started it all.

First, the weird, scary dream. I don't remember the details, but I was driving along and my Jeep died. Then I was trying to get away from someone or something. I dove into some bushes and then everything was like looking through my eyes. All I saw were thick branches and trunks(?) of the bushes as I tried to get through them. Then I saw a whole, shiny red apple. Like it flashed into view and then it was gone. And then I woke up all scared and stuff.

Last night's weird dream was not scary at all. I was at work, except it was a different place but all the people were the same. We were working late at night, after midnight. Gia calls, in an absolute panic. She's out of sugar and needs me to go by the 24-hour sugar store and get her some organic sugar. I asked if I could just bring a box home from work, but she said no, she needed a specific type. At 1 a.m. I was leaving to go get her sugar when I woke up.

No, Gia. I really don't think you are demanding. And you are never awake at 1 a.m. I thought that one was funny.

Health-wise, everything is going okay. I'm starting to realize that MS really does leave permanent nerve damage. My right foot is no longer ticklish and the reflexes are - according to my clinical trial check up today - slightly diminished. but I'm still walking and haven't had any new events or symptoms. So it's really doing pretty well, all things considered. Though, I may play it up a bit for the DM's spy at work. Hee

And about the Oscars last night, I should have made a bet. I actually called all six of the top awards. Granted, all four of the acting awards were sure-things. But I did pick Kathryn Bigelow and The Hurt Locker. I didn't think they would win, but they were my picks.
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