Ticked off the list

Jun 03, 2011 23:36

This tome is more for my own benefit to see what I've managed to complete this week.

Firstly my dad rang me twice to wish me a happy birthday.  Which was lovely.  Especially because he got the date right, for once.  Trouble is he got the month wrong.  My birthday was back in March, but May has the same first two letters so I can see how he mixed it up.  He also remembered back in March so I've had three birthday wishes this year :)  Makes me worry about his decline though....
Can't believe how much I've managed to get through this past week.  Monday - day off - drove up to chat with real estate rep for owner of property that the business resides at.  The excuse was to make sure we were suitable tenants and knew a thing or two about running a business, but the real reason was to make sure we realised what the true rent is.  Sigh.  Seems to be a bit of the old creative accounting going on, secret handshake agreements behind the scenes, not to mention a bit of ye olde dodgy accounting.  Lots of rethinking going on, not to mention number crunching.

A bit of pottering about in Peppergreens at Berrima was certainly in order.  That place never ceases to amaze....

Back to Goulburn to meet up with the hirer of the local Girl Guide Hall.  It's wonderful and cheap and has a firepit out back, two stoves, tables, chairs, a perfect shaped grass list field with high mesh fence, in the middle of town's main park that also has ovals, swimming pool, velodrome, skate park, commuter's pathways and a dog walking enclosure.  All on one of the main roads.

I've filled in the paperwork and swapped it for keys.  Have checked off dates with the local baronies to ensure we don't clash and been given the go ahead from Kingdom Seneschal to skip any levies whilst we ask for donations to cover hall hire and try and build numbers attending.  Looks like we'll be there every Tuesday night and third Sunday for a medieval Revelen potluck event.  My phonecalls, perseverance and multiple emails have paid off.  We have our first Leet Court group meeting there on Tuesday night!

Now for the marketing side of things, logistics (insurance waivers), competitions and guidelines for those who don't know what 'potluck' means :)

Tuesday to the Tattersalls for their steak night and a birthday.  The nosh was pretty good and the pub is fairly tasteful too.  Met a newcomer, Kim, an archaeologist who is dead keen to join in with the sca shenannigans.

Wednesday, editing and comparing old to new judging forms for Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competitions, finalising digital images for etching 100x Rowany tokens (for the love of it) and loads of other midweek catch up jobs.

Thursday - visitors, birthday cake and icecream, Prince of Persia and hanging out.  The bloke has had one job interview, got the gig but turned out that although the hours were fine (to us 12:30am to 8:30am 'are' fine).  It was IT work he new he could handle, but the salary was crap.  Has another job interview in town (the other was at Yass) which will pay beautifully, comes with a new car and a few other perks.  Crossing fingers as it would mean I could take a break and concentrate on either buying the business or finding another.  Not to mention make some jewellery and work through my backlog.

Friday - courier decided to deliver a large parcel at 7am!  Who does that?  The dogs went OFF!!  Then another parcel in the mailbox.  I'm going to be busy this weekend, whilst I clean up a whole lot of small metalworking projects.  Some in close to finished state, others needing shaping and cleaning up to get moulds made for casting.  Then gold plating and antiquing.

We realised we had no food and headed out around 9pm.  Best time to trawl through supermarkets.  Definitely.  No screaming kids, stressed parents or queues.  There are definite advantages to being nightowls.  We've been known to hit Woolies at 11.30pm.

Looks like we'll be roaming around town showing our new friend, the archaeologist, various workshops belonging to members.  Hopefully some of our various armour spare bits will fit him.  He's an awfully nice chap who has a teaching degree in history too.

Think I'll watch something inane like Sanctuary to wind down a little.  Need a break....

business, busy-ness, sca

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