
Oct 19, 2006 21:34

Well this morning I did something stupid. I asked aloud for some examples of my personal triggers. Not to anyone in particular mind you. Just aloud to the empty house before I left for work. At the end of the day I then said aloud 'Righto, enough is enough! Thanks but that's plenty for one day'. Didn't work. Am learning a lot about what ( Read more... )


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Re: tricky tyghra October 19 2006, 20:30:45 UTC
Thanks guys :-) nice to know you don't think I'm some sort of overly self analysing tree hugging hippie (unless there's fingerlooping involved).

Guess this might have sounded like the first time I've done this sort of thing because it's the first time I've penned it down in a public place so naturally others will think I'm taking my first steps down this path. Realistically I've been doing a lot of this for a long time. With one parent who is an agnostic, psychologist who dabbles heavily in comparitive religion and the other being a full time meditating buddhist of the zen variety, I've been bumped down this rocky road all my life it seems. I mostly tend to do this when my Dad is around and well he's just left hasn't he (points finger in his direction :-) )
It's just that most of the time you try hard to ignore these experiments but the moments of satori are worth it. Hopefully the satori moments will connect up one day and I'll disappear up a funnel of light or something equally cinematic!

Just discovered another trigger with this. My age. People forget how old I am all the time and though it's nice to be thought of as youthful, it's not nice to be thought of as inexperienced.

This is not a personal rant or anything :) but what dl described was well, what I "thought" I "had" described. It felt a little like an echo. But I still loves ya bro :-) See you in a coupla hours. Feel like I'm being sent up to the front battlefield today. Deense, we can totally understand your work issues! Friday is another Tricky song "Hell is Round the Corner".


Re: tricky tyghra October 19 2006, 20:40:01 UTC
Okay that last userpic sucked. It was supposed to be applicable to the moment but it just doesn't work at such a small scale. It's a freaked out kitten hiding behind the soccerball, in case you wondered. No I'm not a soccer/football/rugby freak at all. Nope, never invite me around for a session of sport watching. I'll start checking out your bookshelf instead and say things like 'is it over yet?'. The non-sporty type's version of 'are we there yet?'. I love Dougal don't you? Doesn't he just look so chipper with a quill in ihis hand? Wonder what happened to my Zebidty pic.... Now there's a guru bouncing around inside the world of a child's imagination if ever I saw one. I used to have dreams about Zebidty... Time to stop now. Must go to work.


Re: tricky wenchilada October 19 2006, 22:26:29 UTC
Just discovered another trigger with this. My age. People forget how old I am all the time and though it's nice to be thought of as youthful, it's not nice to be thought of as inexperienced.

Ahhh...people can be so judgemental!

Alternatively, just because people are 'young', does not mean they are inexperienced and does not mean they haven't learned lessons in life. We shouldn't judge people by their age. Yet we do. There are plenty of 'older' people around who are fairly clueless, just as much as there are plenty of 'younger' folk who are clued in on what the universe has to offer in it's diversity. I have the opposite problem to you where I am constantly reminded that I am younger and therefore don't have any experience. I usually want to smack people when they give me that. No, I don't know everything, but don't assume to know who I am, where I've been and what I've seen and done.

It's good that you have the insight to stop and reflect. But don't over do it, you'll go nuts.



Re: tricky donloyola October 20 2006, 06:32:06 UTC
well thats egg on my face, woohoo


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