Oct 06, 2005 17:15
It's been several days, I know, but I have fairly good reasons for having been incommunicado. I've been headachey and nauseous for a couple days now ... and lastnight went to the doc-in-a-box because of black, tarry stool. I've had this once before .. a couple years ago I had the exact same symptoms and was told I had Gastritis, brought on by taking too much painkillers on an empty stomach. This time, I don't think that could have caused it, though I did have a lot of tomato-based soup and chocolate before the nausea came. Well .. lastnight anyway .. that morning I woke up nauseous, which I think may have come from taking Excedrine before bed. I took it with milk, but that's the only thing I can think of.
They put me on Aciphex and gave me a referral to a GI doctor to have an upper GI scope if it doesn't clear up in a few days. Last time they gave me Prevacid, so I hope this works. Right now, I'm eating simple foods, drinking water slowly, and taking my Acifex and Phenergan. I really can't afford the tests they want me to do, anyway. As it is, lastnight cost me $95 we don't really have yet.
I'm considering laying down for a bit, to try to settle my tummy a bit more before we go to the cooking show. I really want to go .. I'm excited for it, but I don't want to feel horrid through the whole thing. I suppose I have time for the Phenergan to kick in now .. it worked lastnight and I was able to lie down and sleep after spending an hour and a half at the urgent care office.
Jason and I got new cell phones. I spent the last couple of days collecting numbers I need to have, etc. I'm still missing a bunch, but I can get them pretty easily. I've got to call mom and have her get my dad's and my siblings'. I've got to have Jason figure out how to set up the supposed internet connectivity we're supposed to have. And I need to figure out my voice-mail setup. But it's nice to have a phone again. :)
The weather here is rainy and grey, but it's a welcome thing. We haven't had rain in over a month here, and it's very unfortunate for the plants. The trees are losing leaves without turning, and the grass is barely alive. Tropical Storm Tammy, this is, and I'm not complaining. She became a named storm barely a day before landfall, so she wasn't terribly dangerous, lots of wind and rain, which we can handle. And once she passes, it'll be fall weather at last. I'm so happy.
I had my second interview at Helzburg Diamonds monday, and I'm waiting, still to hear back from them. I finally got called back by the girl from Ashley Furniture, and have an interview Monday with her .. I should be feeling much better by then. I'd really like the job at the diamond place though. It really does look like an enjoyable place to work