Mar 16, 2011 18:32
dumbbell Flat bench press (22.5 lbs each hand-18.5 lbs weights & 4 lbs bar) 3 x 10 (<-back up to what it was from 3x8) 111
Done. Good. (I think this can be 3x12 or even 4x10 next time?)
Shoulder Press (22.5 lbs each hand-18.5 lbs weights & 4 lbs bar) 3 x 10 (<-back up from 3x8) 111
Done. Good here, & work.
Hammer curls (22.5 lbs -18.5 lbs weights & 4 lbs bar) (<-was 3x8) skipping again... kindof redundant anyway with:
Concentration Curls (22.5 lbs each hand-18.5 lbs weights & 4 lbs bar) 4 x 7 (<-was 4 x6 last time, down from 3x10) 1111
Done. Good here, & work.
French Press (13.5 lbs each hand: 10 lbs weight & 3.6 lbs bar) 3 x 15 (<-same)
Done. Good here, & work.
dumbbell Flat flyes ( 13.5 lbs: 10 lbs weight & 3.6 lbs bar) 3x 10 (<-down from 3x12?)
Done. Good. Not sure if it was too little work or not since really I just wanted to be done at this point.
as a point of reference... for self, for future planning purposes... this all took about 35 minutes to do.
these are being struck for tonight too:
Dumbbell Tricep Extension (36 lbs -32 lbs weights & 4 lbs bar) 3x10 (same)