May 18, 2008 12:01
I'm supposenly getting a bed tomorrow. When my dad asked what my plans were now I told him I wasn't sure. I need a bank account and a new id..again. That's when he brought up the subject of a drivers id. Woot! That's a whole lot better then a normal id. And closer to getting a car.
I'll admit. My eating habits aren't that great right now. I have a good enough reason though. And I am eating a little bit, my body just doesn't want a lot right now. And I suppose I don't have to worry about it going away anytime soon. That would mean that I'd have to be happy and such. I don't think I will be, happy fully, until I can see peoples again.
Ohs! I can start doing yoga again. Yay oxygen channel.
Eh...can't say I'm not trying to at least be somewhat happy. It's not going to work though, but *shrugs* can't really blame me right now. Everything changed within 5 hours yesterday. You can't get over something like that within a short time frame. I'll just take it a day at a time..