Dec 31, 2015 14:57
I currently have a man sleeping in my bed.
Not like that you sewer thinkers...
We worked together about ten years ago and earlier this year, he texted me on facebook asking about Thailand. I told him the truth about the madness of expat life. He sold up everything and landed at Bangkok airport at 00:30am. We left the airport at 5:30am. Finally crashed at 7:30am.
I'm exhausted. And I can't sleep anymore. its now 3pm and I need to get another power nap in so I can at least see in the new year.
I have plans. Not external big plans. Just small ones, for myself.
Mostly - Self Discipline.
If I can have more of that in my life, then I should make 2016 an amazing year.
I hope the coming year will be your bitch, my friends.