Beauty and the beast

Dec 14, 2010 01:11

One of 2010's shows I got totally hooked on, and one of the best to grace screens all year - yet another Canadian gem. Shattered. (I am, now that it's over and doesn't look like it'll get renewed)
What actually drew me was Callum Keith Rennie. I remember being fascinated when I saw him all those years back on Due South. His Ray Kowalski being so edgy, and yet so beautiful... Unfortunately Canadian shows and films rarely make it to German TV screens and cinemas... it takes some hunting them down. I remember being thrilled when I saw in in Blade III, and BSG. Not my usual fare but he made it worth my while.
Anyroad - when he resurfaced on my radar as Det. Ben Sullivan in Shattered, I was instantly smitten again. Then I got my hands on Suspicious River, another film I probably wouldn't have watched hadn't it been for him  (funny to see another favourite Canadian, Michael Shanks, in it too..). The role was fascinating - the combination of beauty (most people I know wouldn't probably even classify him as a conventional way) and beast (until the very end I was hoping he'd turn out 'only' a bit .. schizo.. not the utter bastard he proved to be) - I will definitely re-watch it.. and again.
Anyroad, having been reminded how absolutely gobsmackingly gorgeous he is in just about any role...I had to 'shop him  a bit. Just a beginning.

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