Apr 09, 2006 16:53
Outlining is such a bitch!
I'm currently trying to get chapters 12-15 [of Broken Enigma] in some type of an outlined format. That way when writing the actually chapters, I'm not sitting and staring at a screen for hours wondering what the hell I'm going to have happen next. However, I do have the entire story itself very loosely outlined. So, its just a matter of picking and pulling ideas from that and spacing them out properly so that 12-15 flow and make sense.
It's basically one big puzzle piece that is kicking my ass. I swear, I think I subconsciously set up story-obstacles for myself just to make my life more difficult. What I mean is, I've got this tale set so that Hermione is in her fifth year - not her seventh like so many readers at first believed. So, not only am I grappling with Hermione's age but the fact that she and Severus have never had a relationship besides that of student/teacher [which wasn't one of the better ones either]. I think my major problem is how to make it realistic as possible [as real as fanfiction goes anyway]. So far I've been really pleased with the way the story has been flowing and I want that to continue. I've read fictions in the past that started out so nicely and then for some reason - either the author became impatient or they allowed the impatient readers to get to them and suddenly they were rushing through chapters. I don't want that to happen with this story.
I guess I'm just frustrated because I'm so close to finally having Hermione and Severus really begin interacting with one another, that the anxiousness of it all is blocking the writing process...