I still have this thing; may as well use it

Feb 10, 2016 13:18

The last year's worth of time has been... well. It's been a year. And oof.

I had been staying with Ko and Bloodspeaker, and then I moved in with JT. Have sinced moved (with JT) to a tri-level place where I have a small studio space to myself on the bottom floor next to the garage. Second level is kitchen/dining/livingroom space, and third level is bedrooms, bathrooms, and laundry. I get exercise going up and down the stairs to just get my laundry taken care of, so that's good.

I joined up with a gym. And have a trainer. It's kicking my arse--as to be expected--but it's going to be worth it.

Medical... Yeah. It's a thing. The GP(s) don't seem terribly inclined to pay attention when I tell them that Something Is Wrong Here; there's a lot of "smile and nod" happening. It's annoying. I keep trying to push though, in the hopes that someone will actually do something.

Work is a bit slow right now. Oh yes, I landed a job back in October. FINALLY. The November/December holiday season was insane; football season made it even moreso. Now that the season has ended, things have died down a bit. And so there's a bit of an overload on folks, which results in management wanting to make sure that everyone has at least a few shifts but also making sure that we don't have unnecessary people present. Balance and all that.

Therapy is still a thing that happens every week. It's going.

For as much as I've tried to tamp down the feeling, I still dislike valentines day. Strongly. One could go so far as to say that I hate it.

Crochet has been happening; therapist has gently ordered me to work on it to help divert my anxiety in to something productive and positive. Does it work? Yes. Does it completely stop panic attacks? No, but it helps lessen the blow, so to speak.

And that's the news, TLDR version.
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