The state of things

Jul 24, 2014 14:19

It's been a little over a month since I arrived in [PARTS UNKNOWN].

Medical continues to take a lot of my time and focus--as well as lot of spoons--but I am at least still alive.

I've not had much cause or inclination to write here these days. After all the mess of the breakup and subsequent move, I've not felt like being terribly social here. For the most part, I've been over on tumblr, if anywhere at all.

My birthday is about 3 weeks away. In years previous, I posted up wishlists. This year, however, there won't be a wishlist. It's become increasingly clear to me that there's little to no point in doing so; it just ends up being a form of torment later on down the road.

For the friends of mine that I am within immediate driving distance of: I will send you all questions about a good time to get together for something like hot cocoa and or a meal somewhere.

I really don't have much else to say right now.

But yes, I am still alive.

changes, medical, health, 2014, things carried, july, breathing, thoughts

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