Coughing and sputtering

May 18, 2013 15:25

The living room in the house has been almost completely emptied, save for my main computer (which will be unplugged and shut down by the end of tonight) and the heavy stuff that we're going to let someone else deal with.

The suitcase is laying open, with a weeks worth of clothing being slowly shoved in.

My bellydancing gear is separate, packed into a canvas bag that I got at Whole Foods. All the gear is there; skirt, top, bloomers, coin belt, scarfs/veils, and even the few bits of makeup are all in the bag.

There's so much dust in here, I could easily cosplay as Pig-pen from the Peanuts Gang.

And all for getting the wall fixed. We'll be in a hotel room for at least 3 days. Might be more, depending on how things go.

I'm at the point where I'm so frakking tired that I don't care anymore. Give me some proper boxes and I'll just pack up my things like I'm moving. Because there was talk of that anyhow and it's better for me to just keep everything packed up now as opposed to scrambling later.


Ugh. So much dust.

And there's still chunks of debris from the initial hit to the wall too. Bleh. *coughs more, sputters*


2013, breakdown, mindset, books, changes, may, closure, belly-dance, thoughts, venting

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