This could take a bit.
Verbal evisceration aside, this past weekend was insanely productive. Emphasis on the insanely and the productive.
My mom visited, doing one of her "going down for ice cream and heading back" trips that had her here for Friday night, all day Saturday, and most of Sunday. The original goal was to have some help getting rid of clothing--I have rather a lot, sadly--and organize some of the space. The house is a mess, which is ultimately my fault. I admit this. It's sad and silly but that doesn't make it any less true.
Since it was me and my mom, well. She dished out some stuff at me and I dished it right back. As exhausting as it was, it was also good. We got crap taken care of. The house now smells heavily of 409 and TSP and Swiffer-wet-sweeps and laundry soap, but we made progress. I now have a better idea of what I need to give to the kids and what I need to either cart down to the dumpster or the resale shop. I'll be trying the resale shop before resorting the dumpster, honestly. Even if I only get five dollars for a stack, that's five more dollars in my pocket.
This week will prove to be a bit of a ride. I've got an appointment on Wednesday and I'm hoping to be getting a note stating I can go back to full time hours, minus the Overtime. It's been agreed upon that it's just a little too hellish for me to attempt that right now. As it stands, work is trying to gear up for the oncoming 'hell weeks' that are part of the year turning over. I'm just glad I'm still employed. Short Term Disability sucks majorly. FMLA isn't that nice either but at least it keeps me from being wrongly fired.
In terms of medical, my right arm and hand are doing as well as could be expected. I still have a few issues with things like heavy lifting and overuse (which is combated by taking more small breaks and applying some ice if necessary) but I am, for the most part, doing well. The Bell's Palsy is almost completely gone. Save for some weakness on the right side of my face and some sound sensitivity in my right ear, everything there is back to normal. I was informed that there's always a chance that it could strike again, and that there's little I can do to prevent it aside from cut out stress from my life--which I am all for and constantly working on.
Artwork has been up and down. I've posted a few photos, in place of other artwork. I've got a ton of photos I still need to sort through, of course, but that's alright. I've got a good direction that I'm heading in and I'm hoping for the best. (if I say anything more about it, I'm liable to jinx it, so) I've redone one of my icons and uploaded a new one. This is a process that will happen systematically. The purple hair thing is still something I really like, but I've tone it down to having a streak or so on the images instead of being the entire 'do. I'll likely keep one or two of the purple hair icons, but the majority of them will be redone/updated.
I've got a projects list along with a "need to get this taken care of" list. Since I was told quite firmly that I need to invest in a dresser or small chest of drawers, and have no idea where I'm supposed to put it, I'm likely going to be plotting an IKEA trip. I was also informed that the next time my mother visits, she will supposedly be bringing a sewing machine. Yup. Sewing machine. Means I'll have hit a new level in life, although if it's leveling up or down, well, I'm not sure.
For now though... Just trying to process exactly what happened over the weekend and sort out all the things that have been shoved in my face.
TLDR: my mother visited; she arrived, she stirred up chaos, and then she left. Work and medical are moving right along. Art is going up and down, and some of my icons are being redone. Life is chaos, so more or less it's the norm around here, I suppose.