So, I spent the last two and a half days in the hospital.
I went in because I was having symptoms of a stroke. We were in the midst of driving back from El Centro when all this really started to become noticeable. Being in the middle of BFE, I was extremely anxious. But we made it back to town and I was dropped off back at Desert Banner and a friend of mine from work met me there so I wouldn't have to sit in the ER all alone.
After a CT scan, ultrasound of my neck, MRI, and echo-cardiogram of my heart, it was determined that this wasn't a stroke, although the symptoms were very similar.
The neurologist thinks I have what is known as
Bell's Palsy. Since all the scans and tests came back as being clear of another clot (which, considering I'm still treating the one that cropped up on 10/19, it was a valid response to fear that something had broken loose and was trying to lodge itself elsewhere) they're treating me for the Palsy. And it's not like my INR was doing too good either; they've raised my coumadin dose and put me on yet another round of Lovenox (UGH).
It's really awkward to eat and drink right now. When I smile or laugh, the left half of my face lifts and the right hardly moves, making me feel like I'm Two-Face or somesuch. It really does feel like I got shot up full of novacaine and that it hasn't completely worn off yet, sans tingling nerves. I can still feel things with that part of my face and I can still move my tongue around--I just can't taste anything on the right half of my tongue and I have to remind myself to be clear when I speak, otherwise I slur or lisp.
I can't smile properly, but I've got a mean smirk going on.
Appointments related to the clot from 10/19 are still happening, and this event is very unlikely to be connected to it.
On a better note! My right arm is doing much better :)