Results: round 1

Jul 28, 2011 17:46

So, after being partially electrocuted and stabbed with a needle this past Tuesday afternoon, I'm more or less stuck doing the waiting game.

The test was two parts. First part: they stuck trodes to my arms and hands and made a bunch of pen marks around my hands and then up my arms. After getting the trodes stuck down, the nurse took out this device that looks suspiciously like a tazer, dipped the prongs in what was apparently the same gel they use for ultrasounds, and proceeded to stick the prongs against my skin and run current through my arms. Really, REALLY disconcerting to watch my fingers and hands and arms twitch uncontrollably because of the truthfully minor electrical current being pulsed through small areas. Needless to say, my arms and hands felt weird when the nurse was finally done.

Then came the second part. This was the part with the needle. The doctor came in and explained that he needed to check my muscle responses by using what we both equated to a dipstick for checking oil in a car. He put rubbing alcohol on my arms and then had me lift or move my hands and arms in specific directions right before he would hit me with the needle. He wiped it down between pokes. THIS NEEDLE WAS NOT HOLLOW. It literally was a dipstick in 29 gauge medical grade steel.

After that, he wiped up the blood that had welled up from some of the targeted spots and told me that insofar as he could see, my nerves and muscles were working perfectly well. No nerve damage at all. So he sent the results over to my doctors office and I was called on Wednesday to set up my follow up with my doctor. And my arms were frakking sore all day Wednesday too. (doesn't help that I got sunburned on Monday either)

Ultimately, it's not carpal tunnel as far as I've been told. I get to chat with my doctor next Monday, at which point we're going to go over the possibilities and or the next step of things. Since the easy thing has been ruled out, it's on to the list of more difficult things. And more waiting.

Have I mentioned that I dislike the waiting game on matters such as these? 'cause I do. So ver-ah ver-ah much. (thank you, Cartman)

frustration, mindset, health, medical, frustrations, july, 2011

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