Last moment thoughts

Sep 03, 2010 08:47

The more tagging I find, the more I find that I really do enjoy a wide variety of art forms.

My head's spinning. I have things left to pack, day-time backpacks to decide on, things to collect, flight information to confirm, the list goes on.

PAX Prime 2010 is looming before me with a sense of minor disappointment that we're missing the first day but still joyfully beckoning me to join in on the geekery. And I will, happily. Just have to get there first...

There've been changes to Seattle since I was last there, which is verging toward five years. And when I say "last there" I mean for more than the layover in the airport. Oddly enough, I still know my way around downtown proper quite well, all on foot. Really, that's all I need. Although my budget for this adventure is tight* I will at least have a bunch of photos by the time it's over, which may well be the best part. I've got minimal swag-want for this too, since the majority of the awesomeness will be from being around the people themselves. There will be people, art, music, amusement, and good times. Hells yes.

Photos will be taken at every opportunity, of nearly anything** and anyone. The weather forecast claims sunshine, but I expect nothing other than temps that aren't in triple digits.

For folks who are at Dragon*Con this year; I hope that *Con is to your liking. To folks who aren't bound for any sort of Con, I bid you a good weekend and holiday.

And for those of us who are about to step into the collected mass of awesome that is PAX, let's just say this: the casbah, it will be ROCKED.

* see also "vast understatement"
** because I do have limits

travel, mindset, holiday, music, 2010, art, september, gaming, tech, inspire, thoughts

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