A question in regards to my art

Feb 11, 2009 12:14

So, I have been given some good reviews on this piece and I have some questions for you all...

If I were somehow able to get this piece scanned into photoshop and cleaned up a bit (make sure the background is completely white and such)...
-> Would you want this piece as a print?
-> Would you want this piece as a desktop background?
-> If I was to sell this as a print, what sort of price would you pay for it? Free is not an option on this one, sorry.

I ask because it's something I've been considering for a long time. Selling prints of my art isn't anything new to me, but I do appreciate feedback on this sort of thing before diving right into such things. I've also been considering making that particular piece into a sort of small-ish card that I could potentially drop off with resume`s when I go applying for art-related jobs.

Feedback people! I am [not quite] demanding it.
Also, please be aware that I do not have access to a scanner at this point in time, but I am working on that.

art, 2009. mindset, j, february

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