Jan 06, 2011 14:01
Got transferred to Electrical. This is good because I've been bored, but bad because I don't deal with change well.
Christmas was... eh.
New Year was fun. Spekle, Arenheim, and Kurisuteru came down from Salem to visit, then went shopping for a couple hours and left me babysitting the dolls. Naturally, I posed them all ... questionably. ^__^
Tuesday night the power mysteriously ceased working in my roomie's room. Breaker appears to be fine, outlets appear to be fine, I'm stumped. And the stupid landlady hasn't gotten anyone out here to fix it yet. :P So we're running extension cords from the next room.
And I'm typing this on his computer which is running on those extension cords, because my hard drive decided to spectacularly fail. -__- Waiting on a new one, but I'm also going to have to fork over money for a new OS because naturally Dell doesn't do recovery disks in case of massive HD failure.
Can't access my email at all, so if anyone needs to get in touch with me, I do have a gmail account under tygati.
Did manage to get the airbrush working again. Yay for one thing going right. -__-
Tis certainly the season of misery. Is it spring yet?