Eheheh... Dunno how many of you are familiar with/remember
Geniuses 'verse (Calvin & Hobbes slashed with Foxtrot) but a while back she wrote one with Calvin and Jason attending a
halloween party, in costume... and of course Calvin went as Spaceman Spiff. ^^
While out thrift store hopping with Mikey today I stumbled across two volumes of Calvin & Hobbes (some day I have got to at least start a Foxtrot collection) and in reminiscing I went to read the halloween story again and... >.> Um....
Fanart happened. ^^;
Pardon the crappiness, it was drawn directly into Photoshop while I was absently reading C&H comics and giggling like a madwoman. ^^;
P.S. Either Jason's wearing contacts or he somehow got himself a prescription Zorg mask... >.>