Free drabbles

Jan 12, 2008 11:29

Fixed my Story Master List, for those who were asking. All neat and organized and alphabetized. >.>; If I messed something up, ratings or missing warnings or whathaveyou, let me know.

Muses are AWOL again. x.x Stupid muses. Wonder if they hitched a ride with stardance back to Hawaii... >.>;

I think I'll go clean the kitchen. Whilst I'm away, I think I'll offer up free drabbles for the first however many people who want one. No spoilers for Space Cowboys, plz, but everything else should be free game. Maybe I can jump-start my muses back into productivity. -_- Stupid muses.

EDIT: Kitchen half clean, drabble #1 posted. Off to do kitchen cleaning, round two.

EDIT2: Dishes done, enough cleaning for today. Crack!drabble #2 posted.


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