Jul 13, 2005 09:03
So, I'm really excited. Out of the blue I started dreaming about this girl I went to high school with who i haven't seen or talked to in at least three or four years. We messed around - a lot- in high school (actually mostly AT high school) and I've been reliving those great moments in my sleep. So, anyway - I get online and check my e-mail this morning and I have a message from her telling me that she's been thinking about the 'fun' time we had in high school and missing me. How completely random is that? I'm gonna need to take a trip to San Diego sometime real soon.
Funny Moments at Work:
So, these are from yesterday. I'm not saying that the guy in the bathroom stall next to me was whackin it or anything but when I was changing yesterday in the big handicap stall - i heard the guy in the stall next to me grunting and moaning. I didn't really think anything about it because i guess those could be the normal sounds that someone may make while taking a dump. BUT then I had to bend down to tie my shoes back up and I caught a glimpse of the dudes shoes. Here's the kicker - he was facing toward the toilet! Now, I'm not an anatomy expert but I dont think you can defecate unless your backside is on (or at least facing) the toilet. This leads me to the conclusion that this guy may have been up to something else. Needless to say I got out of there and tied my shoes up later.
So, I'm standing by down the hall from where the coffee machine is talking to a really funny guy I work with. He's been working here for so long that he really just doesn't care what he says or does any more - which is what makes him so funny. So we're talking and out of the corner of my eye I see another one of my coworkers going over to the coffee machine. By the machine we have a bowl which people put change and dollars in so that we can buy the coffee and the supplies (sugar, creamer, straws, cups, etc.). I hear a jingle noise and realize that this woman is over there taking money OUT of the bowl. I signaled what was going on to the guy I was talking to and before I knew it he shouted "Hey! Hey! What are you doing?!" I could feel her embarassment radiating throughout the office as she came up with some half-baked story. Poor gal. I'm hope she a kelptomaniac and not really that desperate. Maybe I'll slip some change in her purse when she's not looking.