(no subject)

Mar 07, 2006 18:42

I got a twenty-dollar bill that says no one's ever seen you without makeup.
You're always made up.
And I'm sick of your tattoos,
and the way you always criticize the Smiths... and Morrissey.
And I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
But when I say let's keep in touch,
I really mean I wish that you'd grow up.
This is the first song for your mixtape.
It's short just like your temper,
but somewhat golden like the afternoons we used to spend before you got to cool...

Alright. I had some time to update & I really wanted to say this.

It's not trendy/cool/hip/fucking awesome man!/scene to pretend to be something/somebody you're not.
I'm tired of walking into NC & hearing people talk about bands that when you ask them their favorite song they fidget & start to sweat because they DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW!
I'm sick of being in the bathroom & watching girls cough their lungs up with a ciggarette because, Hey! They saw a 'punk rock girl' do it & they wanted to try it.
I want to pull my hair out everytime I see kidds wearing the new 'fashion' from Hot Topic.
Just because it's black & cost more than your entire cd collection does not mean it's 'goth', kiddos >.<

Oh...and if you're bi-sexual...I don't want to hear it. Because chances are, you're not. You just heard that the cool girl in your PE class liked to swing both ways & you want to fit in too.

If you cut & you're parents are still together, they don't fight, you're not being harassed, you get good grades, you're still dating your fucking boyfriend/girlfriend...YOU ARE NOT FUCKING DEPRESSED. AND YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT 'EMO'
Stupid loser. I'll give you something to cry over.

I really wish music didn't become a trend. Music is suppose to be pure & listened to for a reason. Not because if you listen to FallOut Boy or Panic! At The Disco (or any of the new trendy bands) you instantly get to be typecasted as a

And guess what!!!
You're Just Like Everyone Else!
You're Not Special!
And I Don't Like You!

On a less heavy note--
Even though it resulted in a fight that had him storming out of the house, I get to go to the DKM concert (with Haley...if she's still going...).
It pretty much rocks.

OoO...William Shatner on WISFM.
It's different.
I like it.

Pull The Trigger And The Nightmare Stops...
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