I've been wanting to post about
The Triumph Of Bullshit for a while now, but just haven't been able to put my finger on exactly what to say. It's not a perfect blog, but it's close: it's low-traffic (fewer than four posts daily), fairly high quality (fewer than one in ten posts, in my opinion, miss the mark and could be edited out), the content is mostly stuff you won't see elsewhere in your blogroll, embedded media almost always show properly in the RSS feed, and it's got a fairly important point to make: that in our society, for better or for worse, for good bullshit or for bad, bullshit has come to a unique position of dominance.
This video was what put me over the edge tonight. While it misses out on the distinction between East Carolina and West Carolina (what, you thought there were only North and South?) it goes into great depth on a very delicious, but perhaps bullshitty, subject.
kmanista, my southern belle, this one goes out to you:
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