Fnucking Amaznig

Oct 20, 2007 13:39

This morning I spent 4 hours at work learning to fix a printer. No, let me rephrase. I spent 2 hours hanging out with the boss and the rest of the guys and learning a couple of new things and 2 hours in a race to fix a printer. We were working on a fairly common HP Laser Printer model 4350. The first and obvious problem was that it wasn't getting power. Turned out that the power switch was not connected. Fixed. Next we got a fuser error. Pulled out fuser. Inspected connections, broken pin. Replaced. Tried to print from tray 1. Paper jammed. Back door not closing all the way. Re-seat back door. Prints from tray 1. Tried to print from tray 2. Error: paper jam in tray 2. I didn't hear any sound coming from tray 2. Told them that the paper was not being lifted to the feeder. Tried to troubleshoot. Could not find source of problem. I finally got stubborn and figured out which sensors to hold how to make the printer register that the tray was in place and had paper and was able to see all the gears moving when we hit print and prove beyond a doubt that the lift motor was bad. At that point, we won the race because we did not have a good lift motor on site but that was the only foreseeable problem left with our printer and the other team had made no real progress on theirs. So,

WE WON FREE LUNCH!!! and I got paid $40 this morning to hang out with the guys and tinker with shit!
I'm such a geek ;-)

Now if I can just remember all the shit I did to fix that one when I'm talking to a tech in the field and don't have one in front of me. ROFL!
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