I have a question or 2 for my fellow geeks out there.
I'm trying to beef up my PC Desktop/Laptop (we'll get to printers later) Troubleshooting skills for my new job. Can anyone recommend some good sources of info that might help me out here. In general, I know what I'm doing but I'm not quite up to date on the newest stuff out there and I've never done tech support over the phone...except for my mom which probably should make me an expert considering that she's the most redneck, computer illiterate person on the planet and most of you would not believe the descriptions I've gotten from her on what's going on with her computer. I'm only going to be dealing with hardware problems as the department of the company (
Barrister Global Services Network) that I'm going to be working in does not do any software support at all. I'm not opposed to doing software stuff, but I don't need it for the job.
Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the help and support guys.