Aug 22, 2037 14:43

This first post is where you can leave general messages for me, rather than on other entries which should mainly address the entry in some way. They will be hidden, so don't worry about privacy. Following is a guide on how to date entries cooly for disclaimers.


This entry is set in the future, there's how you do it! I kept seeing it on people's pages and they're all 'oh you change the date' and I'm all 'wtf how do you do that?' and finally I found out how. Make sure to check the box, an option opened by clicking edit next to date, so you can do 'out of order'. As I've done this, I expect visitors to my journal to be able to see this page, but not people who view my journal via 'friends' to see any recent entries made by their combined friends. They should not see it. If you do, and I'm totally ruining your friends page, please do tell me, or unfriend me, whatever. I don't think it should be a problem. Since the cutoff is the day before the new years of 2008, I just changed the 0 to a 3 in the tens column. Some day more than three decades from now, if the second Y2K doesn't happen, then I'm going to have to edit it again based on the new cutoff which at that point I am hoping will have a higher limit! I intend to live more than 30 years from now, 31 if possible. That'd make me 52.

Most people do this if they have a message they want to send readers before looking at specific entries. I can't think of one right now but I could always edit one in later. Mostly, the message is to inform you of how do to this, because I think it's really cool. Some people with hidden communities also do this... although really if you unhide only that entry it's going to show up anyway. Most people will prefer this because you don't want people to be bothered scrolling past your disclaimer entry every time they visit yor entry if they've already be friended and thus authorized to view it. *lifts dog onto bed, loses balance and barely manages to avoid crushing her*

But hey, some people want EVERYONE, including friends, to view the entry first before anyone else. If you don't use auto-notification then having your disclaimer entry at the top would be a good way of recognizing when people post there. Personally, my notification is enabled. I allow replies to me entries, so if you leave a message there (anonymous or if you have an LJ) then I will be notified of it. Even though my e-mail is listed, not everyone has an e-mail or access to it, and plus this is just more conveniant. Of course, I won't have any way of responding to you if you're anonymous, unless you read it again. If you're an LJ user you can turn on e-mail notifications of replies... only, it won't work in this case.

I will only reply directly to anonymous entries on here. All replies to this journal other than my own are automatically hidden. They can become unhidden if I click a button, or if I reply to them they are automatically unhidden though I can hide them once more if I like. I don't do this though, because even if I kept a reply hidden and my reply to that reply unhidden, I think if someone replies to my reply not only I will be e-mailed, but also the person who made the original post.

Anonymous users do not have an option for auto-notification that I am aware of. As such, I am not worried about people replying to them, or to my replies to them. Those replies will remain hidden after all.

The reason I do this is because I don't want people with LJ accounts who reply to this to be threatened by trolls. If they get your LJ then they might harass you. I get a lot of harassing comments, I don't want anyone willing to leave me a message subjected to that.

If you do have an LJ account, feel free to leave a message, I will likely reply to you on your most recent journal entry in a nondescript format, or on an entry that looks appropriate, acting under the assumption that you have auto-notification enabled. If you do not, or you have no viewable entries to reply to, or I am not authorized to post on your journal, please note this and I will e-mail the address on your livejournal profile.

If you don't list an address, please list one in your comment. In the case of my e-mailing you, we can have a discussion through e-mail. In the case of my leaving a mesaage on your journal, it can continue in a threaded format there. If you have the same 'hidden by default' settings that I do which I have described, then obviously we can not thread replies. What would happen then is essentially you would leave single-replies, and it would go back and forth. It might be a bit hard to follow but still doable.

This is very much like what occurs in Wikipedia user comments, or what you would do on MySpace leaving comments if you are not sending direct PMs. LiveJournal does not have a PMing feature, probably because of threaded comment they find it unnecessary. So e-mailing is all that is possible. I guess another option besides e-mail is using some sort of instant messenger, but I admit, I do not use them much, and odds are I will not be on any and it might be long time before I log on to get your offline message (message sent while I was logged out).

To tell you the truth, I don't like anonymous comments, I much prefer communicating with identified individuals, it's just that for their security, I can't. Besides which, having discussions on a journal isn't really what a journal is for, it's for the journal, and then maybe leaving your opinion on it, and then a courtesy reply. Only if they're both interesting should it actually lead anywhere. Avoiding direct replies helps to avoid drama too, I don't want people leaving replies just to generate lulz that other people can read, and I don't want to be guilty of this either in replying to comments on my entries. Private correspondance removes this temptation to be dramatic, and also, it makes privacy better. After all, you don't want harassment from trolls who read this, and I don't want my replies to you to be taken and used (likely out of context and in company of lies) by other persons trying to mislabel people for their twisted purposes (which I privately suspect are also lulz).

Oh, that, and I live in constant fear of LJ deciding they should delete my journal because it's on the hit list of a bunch of fascist thought-crime-hating extremists who call it a 'pedophile journal'. Nice. But anyway, while I back up my journal entries in case of this possibility, back-ups are never made of replies. As such, I will be unable to guarantee the existance of replies. Some people put a lot of thought into replies so I wouldn't want that to go to waste. I know from the experience of having a community I was asked to (and complied to) moderate the pain of having very thoughtful, sometimes pages-long, replies deleted and gone forever. LJ never restored em. This is bad enough alone, but it is much worse when you are the moderator (which we all are of our own personal journals) because you feel responsible for the data there, and all the people who talk on it, including people who reply to those entries. Anyone who replies to a personal journal feels like a 'member' of my personal 'community', sort of. This includes all you trolls. Ha, I love discourse. I wonder if I ever explained my analogies of it here, I should look.

Holy shit what a lot of rambling and my coffee's going cold, so there's my disclaimer. Now hopefully I won't be called a coward for hiding comments on my journal anymore. Seriously, as long as it's worth replying to, I will reply, it just won't show up on my entry unless you are anonymous. At the same time, I'll attempt to stop calling people who post anonymously a coward, even in response to being called one. But hey, even Anonymii can leave a signature (like how I usually write "-Ty"). What this does is allow me to discern anonymous apart from each other. Of course, were I do un-hide an anonymous comment, the signature would be viewable and thus duplicatable by other Anonymii... hmmm okay well.... I guess this would only work in recognizing anonymous comments that I do not reply to. Like, if you leave a comment and do not ask a question. For anonymii I reply to and thus unhide and engage in discourse with, you can't use a sig to designate it is you.

Oh!! But I do log the IPs of all commentors (don't worry, I'm not out to get you, hey at least I'm telling you right? It's an LJ option...) so I could use that to tell Anonymii apart. I'm pretty sure only the person who owns a journal (or community) is able to see the IPs, and not anyone who comes along, even with unhidden publically viewable entries. So I'll privately know by your IP if you're the same person. Though to be honest, I probably won't look unless you tell me too. This won't work if you use dial-up, reset your cable internet a lot, or use Tor though. Which I know a lot of my commentors probably do for reasons of being on either side of certain issues. Heh. Well... turn it off! Entrust me with your IP! Even without Tor changing it second by second (I'm not sure how frequently it does....) you'll probably change it yourself. I use a cable internet, so my IP address changes every day because I shut off EVERYTHING (my modem connection, essentially) before I go to sleep, usaully. Sometimes I won't if someone else is using the internet, but that's not too frequent so far as we're on the same sleep schedule, or they're not on it when I retire.

Oh yeah, going back to my Subject, Out of Date is a play on how I changed the date. But I should note: I haven't been on a date on a long time. That is your disclaimer! Watch out for the anti-social and note that talking about your hot date last night will most assuredly alienate my temperable self. So much that I will definately launch into a tirade of rude and ignorant name-callings against yourself for engaging in the mating rituals of humanity. Though to be fair, I have been on three dates in my high school years, and I think one 'play-date' back when I was in pre-school. I may actually date again, just hopefully for the sake of accomplishing some sort of goal or legitimately liking the place I'm going or the person I'm going with, and not simply to fulfill this incessant need we all have to validate our own existance with socially-expected dating. If you are like that, expect flaming!

Mar012 edit: what FAQ91 refers to seems to have been changed. It used to be the ability to edit dates in your post, I thought. Now it seems to refer how to sticky. So I am checking 'make sticky post' on the bottom. That way, if I'm still alive and updating this LJ by 2037, I don't have to worry about going past it =/
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