Jul 08, 2024 02:53

I don't think it's ever been this bad. For some reason I thought I was hovering around 245. I've been really out of it and impulse-eating a lot this year so it's not surprising. Explains the reduction in bodyweight strength ratio.

It's getting to the point of leg rashes, I need to 180 this pronto and veto shit I'm used to doing like sugar in coffee, ditch bread (and thus PB) and take herbal teas alone like I used to.

Vaseline can only help heal the skin so much, I need to regress the outward pressure to reduce rubbing even if there is a bit of looseness that muscle may never feel. Actually having strong muscular legs is part of the problem TBH when you naturally carry a lot of fat there too, and aren't a woman. Male pelvises aren't made to give the proper space to carry that combination of adipose and protein.

I've been using it to fill a void of things I used to use to feel better like anime and gaming since I haven't been able to enjoy those things for marathons like I used to. Passing the time preparing food or eating it isn't a solution. I need to wait until I'm famished not merely peckish, and stop thinking I need to overdo it to balance out inequalities because it will never actually make me feel that way and will just cripple me more.
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