May 25, 2009 18:07

The Street Fair was fun! First I got a necklace, that I thought looked nice, (It's a feather made of Pewter), And mom was all, "Ooo! Gnomes!" So we got gnomes, I paid for since mom only had 50's. I got the 15 bucks she owed me for that.

And then I met up with Megan! (OH GOD THE MELON BREAD WAS DELICOUS! THANKS MEGAN!) It was fun! WE even looked at the air soft guns which reminded me of the Type 54 I have on Imagine. Our parents would be very happy if we had one of those. Then we got into the candle stand ,the cake there was a lie D:, I went candle shopping with Megan! Who else can say they went candle shopping with a friend?  We paid fifty fifty... and then I dropped my money by accident, I thought it was Megan's at first, but then I realized my wallet was open... I'm such a dip.
And then we were talking about the buddha statues that were at one of the stands. The convo was a bit like:

M: "Did you see that stand with chimes?"

Me: "There was a lot of Buddha statues there too, but one of the statues had a whole bunch of kids on him playing with his belly button and one of his nipples."

M: "..."

Random Lady: "That hurts!"

I need to pay attention to my surroundings. We even found a product that was FAIL-worthy, a mislabeled box of fart powder that can zap you, I should have brought the DSi...
I should get on Imagine!

melon bread, awesome, fail, imagine, street fair, megan, fun

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